Hortatory Exposition Text : Hortatory VS Analytical, How to Write Hortatory Exposition

Maret 08, 2022


Definition of Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition ialah teks yang isinya merupakan pendapat penulis yang menjelaskan sebuah isu secara komprehensif dengan tujuan memengaruhi atau membujuk pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu yang jadi fokus pembicaraan seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya terjadi, sehingga pembaca terpengaruh untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu tersebut.

 Hortatory Exposition VS Analytical Exposition

Hortatory exposition ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lisan yang persuasif. Sebenarnya jenis teks ini mirip seperti analytical exposition, tetapi kedua teks ini punya tujuan yang berbeda. Kalau analytical exposition bertujuan untuk membuat pembaca atau pendengar sadar akan suatu hal, hortatory exposition dibuat dengan tujuan memaksa pembaca atau pendengar untuk setuju akan apa yang disampaikan.

Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

Untuk menulis menggunakan hortatory exposition, ada struktur penulisan yang perlu kamu ketahui. Di antaranya adalah:

Thesis : It consists of the author’s point of view (thesis), preview of the arguments that will follow in the next section, and a question or emotional statement to get audience attention.

Thesis merupakan bagian pertama dalam menulis jenis teks ini. Penulis dapat mengungkapkan pendapat atau opini yang relevan dan berdasarkan fakta mengenai isu atau tema yang ingin ditulis.

ArgumentsThis part is significant to support about the thesis. Therefore, it needs some requirements. They are explained as follow;

  • A new paragraph is used for each argument
  • Each new paragraph begins with topic sentence
  • After topic sentence comes the details to support the arguments
  • Emotive words are used to persuade the audience into believing the author.

Untuk memperkuat opini atau pendapat dari penulis, diperlukan juga pendapat atau argumen lainnya untuk membuktikan bahwa opini penulis sesuai fakta.

Argumen berisi pendapat-pendapat principle mendukung ide pokok. Kian banyak pendapat dituliskan, maka sebuah Hortatory Exposition kemudian semakin menarik karena pembaca cenderung percaya terhadap suatu peristiwa dengan banyak pendapat principle mendukung di dalamnya.

Recommendation : statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments.

Bagian akhir dari tulisan ini berisi rekomendasi untuk para pembacanya. Rekomendasi bisa berisi saran apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan atau tidak dilakukan berdasarkan dari argumen atau opini yang sudah diberikan oleh penulis.

How to Write Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition text is a kind of Persuasive text that convinces the readers to a particular point of view as it is used for delivering speech.

Making the Outline

To help compose a good writing, it is important to make an outline which is based on the generic structure of the text to be written. Here are the steps to make the outline:

a. Decide the title.
e.g. Healthy life prolongs the life span.

b. Write the thesis.
The function of thesis is to identify what to be written or to show the point of view that we need the reader to do. We had better put the thesis at the end of the paragraph to connect the first paragraph to the second one.
e.g. Healthy life should become the people’s lifestyle.

c. Write the main idea of paragraph 1 which is used to introduce the thesis.
e.g. Many people still ignore their own health.

d. Write the main idea of paragraph 2 which is the first argument toward the thesis.
e.g. Healthy life brings happiness.

e. Write the main idea of paragraph 3 which is the second argument toward the thesis.
e.g. Healthy life leads to be creative.

f. Write the main idea of paragraph 4 which is the reiteration of the thesis.
e.g. Healthy life as a lifestyle is highly recommended to prolong the life span.

Developing the Outline

Developing an outline, we had better have these suggestions to make the writing more persuasive.

a. Give at least two or three issues to strengthen your view.
e.g. The stressful job, social ignorance, and the traffic jam they face every day are among the examples of factors influencing their emotion.

b. Use the language that must appeal to the strong emotion that you want to express.
e.g. When they cannot manage their emotion, they will create another stress for people around them. Consequently, their depression absolutely increases and it will become more difficult to coup with.

c. Think about others’ possible objection on what we say, so write what we will do to deal with. e.g. For everyone who is not able to appreciate arts, they can choose any activity that can make them happy such as having sport or social activities. Doing what we like makes our life more qualified for ourselves and others.

d. Use real life examples to support our ideas.

Thesis: Healthy life should become the people’s lifestyle.
P1. Many people still ignore their own health.
P2. Healthy life brings happiness.
P3. Healthy life leads to be creative.
P4. Healthy life as a lifestyle is highly recommended to prolong the life span.

Why Healthy Life Should be Lifestyle

    There are many people ignoring their own health, especially the ones whose jobs requiring them to give their time and energy. Breakfast is skipped. Fast food is the main menu. Physical exercises are ignored. These are the common examples of what working people prefer nowadays. Sooner or later, both their physical and mental illness will come to take their happiness. When happiness is gone, can we still enjoy the life? The followings are the reasons why healthy life should become the people’s lifestyle.

    Happiness comes from healthy life. Happiness is the feeling which can raise the spirit to live. This feeling gives abundant energy not only to do daily activities but also to survive. People badly need this feeling to survive in this terrible situation in which the life threatening virus becomes the invisible enemy. Our healthy body influences our soul. - A healthy soul cannot live in a dry body. ~ French. Take this for example. Healthy children who are energetically playing with their friends on the field or at the park are enjoying their time together. They are laughing, or shouting at one another. They are absolutely happy. On the other hand, sick children looking stressed are only lying on their bed, with gloomy face. They often cry and scream for the soreness they suffer. Healthy life will be, in fact, easily to get if having routine meals, nutritious food, enough sleep, and regular exercises becomes the lifestyle.

    Another reason is that being able to create requires a healthy body and mind. People may object to this idea as they think they still can create songs, poems, or any art work when they are in sadness. However, it is still strongly believed that the sounder the mind is, the higher impulses to be creative we will have. Being creative is the only way to survive. The following may be the best example: A fish seller is prohibited to sell his fish in the traditional market to avoid the crowd. Before the regulation began to be implemented, he had told his customers that they could still buy his fish through his Instagram, and would deliver their orders. He can survive despite the closed market. This is creativity. He didn’t panic when the government announced the regulation, but thought clearly instead. When we are in sadness, worry, or panic, can we still clearly think what to do? Surely not. Healthy life means healthy body and mind.

    The arguments above support that healthy life as a lifestyle is highly recommended to prolong the life span, not only in this corona virus pandemic but also in the normal situation. Happiness raises our awareness of the surroundings which can trigger our creativity.

Some notes:

Main sentences:
P.1: There are many people ignoring their own health.
P.2: Happiness comes from healthy life.
P.3: Another reason is that being able to create requires a healthy body and mind.
P.4: The arguments above support that healthy life as a lifestyle is highly recommended to prolong the life span.

Thesis: healthy life should become the people’s lifestyle.

Issues for unhealthy life: Breakfast is skipped. Fast food is the main menu. Physical exercises are ignored.


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